Habacus for students

We certify your commitment and support your training.

We facilitate access to sustainable loans for financing your studies. Apply for our certification to multiply your financial opportunities.

Apply for certification

Valuing your commitment, supporting your future.

Tangible help for financing your studies. We work with postgraduate Educational Institutions to certify your commitment.

Find your Educational Institution

We are the first organisation in Italy to certify the academic performance of students enrolled in postgraduate courses.
We are continuously developing new partnerships in order to provide students with an increasingly important network.


Using an innovative, proprietary platform, we monitor and analyse data on students’ performance. We track students’ progress in order to facilitate their access to sustainable loans, supporting their commitment by providing banks with useful information to help them offer loans designed for students, with customised repayment plans.

We are connected to the school, university and vocational training system, reaching more than 1300 partners in Italy, including universities, AFAM, ITS, vocational schools and international training institutions.
We use well-established tools to aggregate relevant information with maximum security and strict respect for privacy.

We guarantee students access to an efficient certification system, responding quickly to their requests and needs. We are constantly engaging with our community, identifying new opportunities and growing together.

Habacus certification

Find out how we help certified students

We help students and workers of all ages. Commitment and perseverance matter, and we value them.

Checklist documenti prestito studentesco

Habacus certification

We support your postgraduate studies

Are you in your final year in high-school (secondary school) and want to continue your postgraduate studies?
Our certification gives you the support you need to finance your university, AFAM, ITS or higher vocational training in Italy and abroad.

Habacus certification

We help you to specialise

Are you already studying at university or continuing your education after high school?
Would you like to take a Master’s, Doctorate or specialist course?
We also help with postgraduate training and support your educational goals worldwide.

Habacus certification

We support your vocational training

Have you been working for a few years and need to improve your skills or get back into the game and prepare for new challenges?
We can also help you get the professional training you want.

The 4 stages of the Habacus certification process



First, register on the Habacus platform to complete your certification application. The minimum requirements for applying are: be over 18 years old; be resident in Italy or registered with AIRE; and be enrolled at a postgraduate Educational Institution. It only takes 10 minutes.


Complete and send

Enter your personal data and upload the necessary documents on the platform. You will also need a proxy document, which will be provided during the application process.


Wait for the result

Based on the documentation you have shared, we get in touch with your education provider to check that you are keeping up with your studies; it is not the average that counts, but perseverance.


Get your certification

Once the checks have been completed, we draw up a personal certificate facilitating access to student loans to finance your education.

Apply for certification

Habacus students

Certified student and Ambassador Habacus

Federica C.

Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza at lumsa in Palermo

Habacus gave me the opportunity not to overload those who financially support me. Now I can focus on my studies with dedication and commitment, with the economic serenity that lets me enjoy my student life.

Certified student and Ambassador Habacus

Andrea F.

Laurea magistrale in Medicina e Chirurgia at Università Federico II in Napoli

Certification for me is synonymous with independence. Thanks to the Habacus certification and the related access to the student loan, I could move to Napoli and rent an apartment instead of commuting everyday. Now I’m also more economically independent and I don’t weigh on my family anymore. Independence is one of the hardest things to achieve when you are a student, with Habacus I could achieve it.

Certified student and Ambassador Habacus

Rossana A.

Laurea magistrale in Banking and Finance at Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore in Milano

Habacus certification gave me the opportunity to access fundamental financial support to continue my studies. Moving from the south to the north involves many difficulties, but Habacus took my hand and helped me walk in this new experience. It was a fundamental help in fulfilling my desire to complete my studies in a prestigious university.

Certified student and Ambassador Habacus

Pasquale P.

Laurea magistrale in Giurisprudenza at Università degli Studi Magna Grecia in Catanzaro

Habacus certification and my student loan let me take back my life and my academic career: I could go back to Catanzaro to continue my studies and to be economically independent from my family.