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Habacus at Job&Orienta in Verona with a Booth Dedicated to Supporting Education and Academic Careers.

22 November 2019

Over 2,500 Visitors at Our Booth Dedicated to Educational Support

How Much Does Studying After High School Cost?

We asked this question to over 2,500 visitors—high school students, university students, teachers, and parents—who visited our booth at Job&Orienta 2019 in Verona. Habacus participated in the 29th edition of Italy’s largest national fair dedicated to guidance, education, training, and work, with a booth focused on supporting education and academic careers.

When asked, “Do you know how much it will cost to continue studying after high school?” the vast majority of students couldn’t provide an answer. Only a few came close to estimating the annual cost for university, which ranges from €8,000 to €15,000 depending on income brackets (if studying in Italy—this figure doubles for studies abroad).

In general, many visitors seemed more concerned about deciding what type of studies or career path to pursue, rather than estimating future costs. They were largely unaware of the financial commitment required for university, advanced training, or specialized studies, whether in Italy or abroad. Parents and teachers also seemed under-informed, often considering only tuition fees while overlooking other expenses such as rent (for students studying away from home or abroad).

Other overlooked expenses include healthcare, food, transportation, and books. Costs escalate further when factoring in periods of studying abroad, unpaid internships, or extracurricular activities like sports, hobbies, and socializing—essential parts of student life.

How to Cover the Costs of Student Life

To the question, “Do you know how to cover the costs of your student life after high school?” most students responded that they relied on parental support. Others mentioned supplementing their budget with part-time, evening, or seasonal jobs. Only a handful had saved money or had a fund set up by their parents.

The idea of taking out a student loan was mentioned by just a few students and parents, and even they lacked clear information about the options available for financing education.

Habacus and Sustainable Education Financing

The fair revealed a lack of awareness about how to finance post-secondary education and highlighted the need for better guidance in financial literacy and study support.

To avoid burdening parents or depleting family savings that might be needed for other priorities, students can consider sustainable education financing options based on their academic records. Habacus provides tailored support for education and career development, helping students and families navigate and secure the best financing opportunities to achieve their academic goals.

For a deeper dive into education financing options and the benefits of student loans, check out the latest article about us in Il Sole 24 Ore.